BTNC CRTC 2020-81: Service Provider Paper Bills

03 March 2020

The Commission opened an investigation to decide on whether paper bills should be required or not by all communication service providers, including wireless service providers. This proceeding was Broadcasting and Telecommunications Notice of Consultation 2020-81.

TNC 2020-81: Call for comments – Provision of paper bills by communications service providers, EN:

PRT 2020-81:  Appel aux observations – Fourniture de factures papier par les fournisseurs de services de communication, c’est liens francais FR:

The DWCC took the lead on this proceeding, and participates as DWCC et al. with its collaborating partners: 

Canadian Association of the Deaf – Association des Sourds du Canada (CAD-ASC)

Canadian National Society of the Deaf-Blind (CNSDB)

Deafness Advocacy Association of Nova Scotia (DAANS)

Remarque : Les documents soumis au CRTC ACT 2020-81 sont soumis en anglais seulement.
Note: Documents submitted to CRTC TNC 2020-81 are submitted in English only.

DWCC et al. submitted two documents to the record of the proceeding as follows:


Reply Comments
