DWCC Forum Livestream
French/LSQ English/ASL English Powerpoint Slides
DWCC and CAD-ASC file joint interventions for CRTC TNC 2016-115 and TNC 2016-116
DWCC-CSSSC’s Submissions to the CRTC for TNC 2015-134
(la version française suit) English/Anglais: December 1, 2015 – January 15, 2016 Online version available in 4 Languages: English/ASL: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/dbwireless French/LSQ – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sondageadaptesansfilsourds Here is the pdf version or the MS Word version if you need to use instead of the website…
Survey Ready! / Sondage prêt!
Survey Announcement (La version française suit) Click here to access the Deaf Wireless survey, available both in ASL and English. Annouce du sondage Je suis désolé qu’il n’y a pas de vidéo en LSQ. Cliquez ici pour accéder au sondage sans…
DWCC Sends the 1st Submission
On July 14, Lisa had sent in the initial submission to the CRTC. The Writing Team spent a total 4 days and 4 nights to get the writing completed. 340 interventions were filed by various groups or individuals to share…